Quantum Energy Coaching

QEC is a simple and effective coaching tool that uses a technique created eclectically from Gestalt psychotherapy and cutting-edge neuroscience. It aims to change self limiting beliefs at the subconscious level. Positive, affirming beliefs are installed into the subconscious mind, using an optimal brain wave state that is receptive to learning. The new beliefs replace the old limiting ones rapidly, and allowing for the integration of time, are for the most part permanent. I can be likened to installing new software onto a computer. The process is easy and effortless, no matter how long the problems have been there. Some areas that frequently need work can be associated with:
– Self Worth
– Boundaries
– Self Care
– Confidence and Self-empowerment
– Diet and Nutrition
– Health
Exercise and work/life balance
Personal growth and development

Change your thinking, change your life!